Dr Catherine Garrington
Australian Federal Police
Dr Catherine Garrington is an Operational Psychologist with the Australian Federal Police in the field of fixated threat assessment and intervention. She has facilitated group and individual treatment for violent and sexual offenders in prison and community based settings for over 15 years. Specialising in working with complex psychological and behavioural presentations, Catherine continues to provide assessment and treatment to assist people in the criminal justice system to address their offending, assist with community reintegration and inform release decision making.
With a particular interest in online Child Abuse Material offenders, Catherine is the lead developer of the Estimated Risk for Internet Child Sexual Offending (ERISCO). The ERICSO is an integrated assessment and treatment model for I/CAM offenders, informing a conceptual treatment framework. A short version, the ERICSO Screening Protocol (ESP) provides police with a tool for prioritising referrals for criminal investigation, or post-sentence, case file reviews.