ARGOS was established as a multi-disciplinary task force in February 1997, focusing on historical and institutionalised sexual abuse of children. Our shift to technology facilitated crimes against children commenced in 2000 and has grown from an initial work force of five (5) to a much larger workforce consisting of sworn officers, intelligence, victim identification experts and administrative staff that support the unit’s purpose of protecting children. The unit now provides a specialist state-wide response to the investigation of networked pedophilia, child exploitation and technology facilitated crimes against children.
Our teams perform a variety of specialist functions that support this vision with activity concentrated on online engagement on Clearnet platforms including social media, Peer-to-Peer platforms and bulletin boards as well as investigations undertaken within ‘darknet’ or encrypted environments. Our principal focus in any investigation is the identification and rescue of children from harmful environments.
In October 2015, the Queensland Organised Crime Commission of Inquiry made a number of recommendations concerning legislative amendments that were specific to online child sexual offending. As a result, Argos also provides a specialist response and investigative support to regional police to assist in the management of referred investigations and assist in an educational role, developing the capacity of regional police to undertake investigations and conduct digital in-field triaging of digital evidence.
The Queensland Police Service recognises the importance of working collaboratively with the community and partner agencies to prevent, disrupt and respond to the threat of child exploitation. The Youth, Technology and Virtual Communities Conference remains a key platform to maximise our joint capability to prevent and enhance community safety through collaborative partnerships and the sharing of best practice across all disciplines. With the theme ‘Prevent, Protect, Prosecute’ continuing with the focus topic ‘Technology: threats and opportunities’, this conference will provide attendees with the latest developments, strategies and challenges across all facets in the collaborative effort to fight crime against children.